Monday, October 09, 2006

Calvin's first big game.

Here's pictures of Calvin's first big game.

I think he thought the best bit of the whole day was getting his picture standing next to the police horse. When it was nearly all over and everyone was going mental, Calvin was sitting playing with his cars on the seat. He's so cool.


Anonymous said...

Yep - he definitely didn't look so brave seconds before the photo was taken! Horses are scary though.

Thanks for the lift. It was a cracking day out...

...I still start giggling when I think of the final score and the 'easy easy' chant.

Chris McCluskie said...

The camera never lies fellas. He's nails, just like his dad.

asliceofry said...

You will have to take him along to every game now Tea Bag as a Scottish talisman - I take it you and Calvin are out in Chicken Kiev for the game tonight?

Come on the Jocks.

Chris McCluskie said...

Yeah, we're going along to watch a league match today – Chicken Kiev versus Kiev C.

Chris McCluskie said...

I'm looking forward to Dougie Donnelly saying "... and now over to Chick in Kiev".

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm Chick in Kiev

Anonymous said...

kiev C. Quality