Thursday, August 10, 2006

3d or not 3d (I thank you)

Been working on some 3d stuff and that. It's pretty tricky.

After three years I've managed to do a sea scape. Pity I can't show the whole movie instead of some grabs, but it's 12Mb for only two and a half seconds of shizzle.

Took about 6 hours to render it too! Well worth it though, I'm sure you'll agree.

Next stop - Finding Shrek!

ps. One of the pictures above, I didn't do. Can you see which one?


asliceofry said...

that's some sweet sweet 3d action tea bag. really like the first one but not sure about the other 2.

Chris McCluskie said...

Oh, God. Your my first unsolicited commentor. You win a birthday, sometime this week.

asliceofry said...

What about tomorrow?
Will do a link on my blog to yours - watch your hits increase by at least one.
I will email you a code for hit counter if you want it?
You smell.