Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bye-bye Rainforest.

I think half of Dalkeith Country Park has been chopped down and delivered to our back door. We're getting an Aga Little Wenlock Classic stove next month and took delivery of the seasoned logs on Saturday morning. Should keep us warm for ages!

Sleeping Beauty

Here's Ross, heavily hungover, sleeping in his car before a game of sholf at the Prince's. Didn't effect his game too much though. He beat me by three. The dick.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A right pair of cocks.

Here's a picture of the two cockerels we ended up with. I'm hoping that, come the weekend, we can get them swapped for a pair of egg laying hens. The shuy who sold us them said it'll be no problem to get them swapped.

Fingers and feathers crossed.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Snow fair. Ah'm boilin'.

I've put this wee video up for Craig. He's totally it up in 47º down there in Melbourne. Sweat dribbling down is back into his ass crack whilst we're chilling up here in -10º.

Hope you're safe and that you don't mind that everything tastes like smoked haddock. Yum-yum.

Good luck at the end of February to you Susan when you bring a little baby Craig into the world. Hope all goes well.


Lake Placid

The big pond at Dobbies is frozen over by the way.

Sissy & Betty?

I spoke to the shuy from All Year Round Birds today to ask why we've not had any eggs yet from our hens? I was told that it's because of the lack of sun light at this time of the year. I asked him why both out hens crow in the morning? Silence on the other end of the phone. "Eh, because you might have two cockerels."

When i played down the phone the video I posted the other week so he could hear them he said, "yeah, that's not a hen".

That's probably more to do with the lack of eggs then the sunlight thing.

Anyway, we've to take them out next week to his place and he's going to replace them. So it turns out that they are more Stevie and Bert than Sissy and Betty.

Here's pictures of Calvin trying to squeeze eggs out of them. In one of the pictures he's holding Sissy up in the air like Simba in the Lion King. It's the circle of life.

More news to follow...