Friday, January 26, 2007

Hold the front page!

Calvin has managed to get on to the front page of the local Midlothian Advertiser. What a scoop.

It must have been a quiet day in the press room as the main story on the front page is 'Stray Dog Dies in Police Custody'.

Never mind that though, Calvin got a cool picture of himself with his toys at the recent exhibition of his work done by his school.

He gets nearly a full page article, with some sweet pictures too, under the catchy, yet wrong title 'Colin's a real model pupil'. Colin! Thankfully they only get his name wrong in the title but call him Calvin everywhere else.

Oh well, never mind. The article is really nice and his teacher is quoted saying really nice things about wee dude.

Hurray for him!

He's toys mad that kid

Here's a few pictures of some of the toys Calvin he uses for inspiration. He keeps them all in real good condition too, which is nice.

I think we need to get more shelves. These old ones are creaking a bit now!

Monday, January 22, 2007

gale FORcE!

Me, Steve and Ry played golf on Saturday morning. It was sooooo windy!

Our first round of the new year and the wind blew our golf cobwebs away. Nine holes at The Melville. Nice and easy to get us back into it.

Roll on the better weather so I can start spanking it 300-350 yards with my seven iron again.

Well done lads.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Papa's Got A Brand New Bench

At last my late Papa finally got his memorial bench installed on Friday 12th January. He now has a cool looking black bench positioned at the starters box on the 1st tee at Silverknowes Golf Club (his second home). As you can see in the pictures, my Nana brought along a wee whisky for my Papa to have whilst watching all the golfers head off on their rounds.

Lot's of the family came down to see it on the Saturday afternoon and, I think, everyone thought it was cool. My Nana even got an official certificate signed by the Lord Provost too!

Thanks to everyone who came along and thanks for all the donations given to pay for the bench. I'm sure Papa is having a wee touch of Nana's whisky and toasting us all.

Hopefully things can start to get better in the year ahead after a little bit of positivity at last.


Katherine Anne Rosemary Walsh

6th March 1973 - 7th January 2007



The Cherry Planes

Calvin and Sharlene's wee brother Ryan had a go on all the fairground rides at the recent Christmas showground in Princes Street Gardens.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Simple Simon's birthday.

Hiccy Burpday wee bro.

The big 3-0 today. What a guy.

Happy New Year!

It's the second of January and I'm back at work. WtF!

It really sucks to be the only people in Scotland working today.

I want to go home.